...because nudity matters

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Elisabeth Shue Nude

Elisabeth Shue "First Born" (2007)

Elizabeth Shue -First Born- Elizabeth Shue -First Born- Elizabeth Shue -First Born- Elizabeth Shue -First Born-

A happy, wealthy couple moves into a new home and the heroine has a baby. Everything seems to be fine, but somehow everything is not as it should be. Oddities and a black streak began at the very moment when Laura (Elisabeth Shue) saw a woman with a gloomy doll in the subway, then in a restaurant a couple in love is just talking about moving to a new house, when suddenly some old woman spits on the glass, it was a bad sign, maybe a warning sign...
Elisabeth Shue shows her bare chest while nursing her baby in the hospital room and at home, rocking in her chair.

Bit rate: 2000kbps
Size: 704 x 384

0:50 ; 17,4mb